Ch 000.0: Prologue Ch 001.0: Encounter Ch 002.0: Oh no, we're going to be room-mates Ch 003.0: The First Errand Ch 004.0: A Little Girl's Cooking Lesson Ch 005.0: Clearly, surely, beautifully Ch 006.0: Their Day Off Ch 007.0: Yuri's Daily Life Ch 008.0: Gyaru working part time Ch 009.0: A Date At The Zoo Ch 010.0 Ch 011.0 Ch 012.0: Chairman's Lost Item Ch 013.0: Mother's Day Ch 014.0: Love Premonition Ch 015.0: Nervous Ch 016.0: Erika's Diet Ch 017.0: Confesssion Ch 018.0: Yuri's Parents and Teachers Interview Day Ch 019.0: Karaoke Ch 020.0: Preparations Before Travelling Ch 021.0: Off We Go! School Trip! Ch 022.0: If We Can Come Again Ch 023.0: Throwing Pillow Competition Ch 024.0: Clear Skies After A Shower Ch 025.0: End Of Term Test Ch 026.0 Ch 027.0: The Beach! Ch 028.0: Love Ch 029.0: Tanabata Ch 030.0: Erika's Grandmother Ch 031.0: Gyaru And The Kids Ch 032.0: Test Of Courage Ch 033.0: Nostalgic Ch 034.0 Ch 035.0: Homework Study Session Ch 036.0: Their Distance Ch 037.0 Ch 038.0 Ch 039.0 Ch 040.0: Sleepover Party Ch 041.0 Ch 042.0: Amusement Park Ch 043.0 Ch 044.0 Ch 045.0 Ch 046.0 Ch 047.0 Ch 048.0 Ch 049.0 Ch 050.0: It Really Feels Good Ch 051.0: Determination Ch 052.0: Oyasumi [Goodnight] Ch 053.0: Great Detective Saya Ch 054.0: Santa San Ch 055.0: Merry Christmas Ch 056.0: Prayer Ch 057.0: Exams and Chocolates Ch 058.0 Ch 059.0 Ch 060.0: I love you Ch 061.0: Final Chapter