Ch 001.0 Ch 001.5 Ch 002.0 Ch 003.0 Ch 004.0 Ch 005.0 Ch 006.0 Ch 007.0 Ch 008.0 Ch 009.0 Ch 010.0 Ch 011.0: Magical Exam Student 11 Ch 012.0: Magical Exam Student 12 Ch 013.0: Magical Exam Student 13 Ch 014.0: Magical Exam Student 14 Ch 015.0: Fixed Ch 016.0: Fixed Ch 017.0: Fixed Ch 018.0: Fixed Ch 019.0: Fixed Ch 020.0 Ch 021.0 Ch 022.0 Ch 023.0 Ch 024.0 Ch 025.0 Ch 026.0 Ch 027.0 Ch 028.0 Ch 029.0 Ch 030.0 Ch 031.0 Ch 032.0 Ch 033.0 Ch 034.0 Ch 035.0 Ch 036.0 Ch 037.0 Ch 038.0 Ch 039.0 Ch 040.0 Ch 041.0 Ch 042.0 Ch 043.0: After-School Study Adventure (2) Ch 044.0: After-School Study Adventure (3) Ch 045.0 Ch 046.0: After-School Study Adventure (5) Ch 047.0 Ch 048.0: After-School Study Adventure (7) Ch 049.0 Ch 050.0 Ch 051.0 Ch 052.0 Ch 053.0 Ch 054.0 Ch 055.0 Ch 056.0 Ch 057.0 Ch 058.0 Ch 059.0 Ch 060.0 Ch 061.0 Ch 062.0 Ch 063.0 Ch 064.0 Ch 065.0 Ch 066.0 Ch 067.0 Ch 068.0 Ch 069.0: On My Own with My Power Ch 070.0 Ch 071.0 Ch 072.0 Ch 073.0 Ch 074.0 Ch 075.0 Ch 076.0 Ch 077.0 Ch 078.0 Ch 079.0 Ch 080.0 Ch 081.0 Ch 082.0 Ch 083.0: Fixed Ch 084.0: Fixed Ch 085.0 Ch 086.0 Ch 087.0 Ch 088.0 Ch 089.0 Ch 090.0 Ch 091.0 Ch 092.0 Ch 093.0 Ch 094.0 Ch 095.0 Ch 096.0 Ch 097.0 Ch 098.0 Ch 099.0 Ch 100.0 Ch 101.0 Ch 102.0 Ch 103.0 Ch 104.0 Ch 105.0 Ch 106.0 Ch 107.0 Ch 108.0: The Woes Of The Security Guard (1) Ch 109.0: The Woes Of The Security Guard (2) Ch 110.0: Let's Meet Up Ch 111.0: Resolution Ch 112.0: Go Back Ch 113.0: Phone Call Ch 114.0: Blindly Ch 115.0 Ch 116.0: Remember the Name (1) Ch 117.0 Ch 118.0: Remember the Name (3) Ch 119.0: IRREMEDIABLE Ch 120.0: Calm Before The Storm Ch 121.0: Calm Before The Storm (2) Ch 122.0 Ch 123.0 Ch 124.0: Another Way to Live (2) Ch 125.0: The Last Cubic (1) Ch 126.0: The Last Cubic (2) Ch 127.0: The Last Cubic (3) Ch 128.0: The Last Cubic (4) Ch 129.0: The Last Cubic (5) Ch 130.0: The Last Cubic (6) Ch 131.0: The Last Cubic (7) Ch 132.0: The Last Cubic (8) Ch 133.0: The Last Cubic (9) Ch 134.0: The Last Cubic (10) Ch 135.0: Plank of Carneades (1) Ch 136.0: Plank of Carneades (2) Ch 137.0: What she wanted (1) Ch 138.0: What she wanted (2) Ch 139.0: Once More Ch 140.0: Last episode. wish Ch 141.0: Epilogue Ch 143.0